Meet the Teacher is on Tuesday, July 30th from 4pm-6pm. We received a donation of backpacks with supplies. They will be available first come, first serve at Meet the Teacher. We cannot wait to see you!

Thank you to all the families that came out to support our students at our annual Family Literacy Night!

Don't forget that tonight is Backyard Taco Night from 4pm-9pm at 1562 S. Signal Butte Rd. Mesa 85209! Please mention the fundraiser when placing your order! #MPSengage

Reminder: Curriculum Night is tonight from 4pm-6pm. Please join us to hear about what your student will learn this year, Title I information and Bond information. Please review the district clear bag policy.

Spring picture day is Thursday, February 23. Avoid wearing green for the best results.

Join us this Thursday for our Bingo for Books family night! #MPSEngage

Our Lost and Found is overflowing with lonely jackets and sweaters. Please help them find their owners! You can remind your children to stop by and claim their items. It also helps when you write your child’s name on the tag. Thank you for your assistance.

Mrs. Neuber’s second-grade students are working hard! In phonics they are coming up with their own words with long vowel a. In math they expanded their 3-digit addition partner activity that they started in small groups. #MPSachieve

Kindergarten Registration opens Monday! We are so excited to start meeting our incoming kindergarten cuties. Please share this information with any neighbors, family members, or friends with students turning 5 by September 1st. We will share information regarding an upcoming open house soon.

Our Brinton Battle of the Books students had their second school wide competition today. They did an amazing job! They will be starting their new books and preparing for the next competition in the coming weeks.

Join the i.d.e.a. Museum on Monday, January 16 from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM with 50% off museum admission!

Our kindergarten students showcased their amazing alphabet knowledge with our first ever "Letter Parade". Thank you, Brinton kindergarten teachers and staff, for your hard work! #MPSignite

We have new Facebook and Instagram pages. Please follow us at @Brinton.mps

We have officially launched our updated website. Welcome to Brinton's new home on the world wide web!